Q. Why doesn't the food spoil ?
A. In a Hostess the food is kept at a temperature such that
it does not cook anymore, it is just kept hot without risk
of drying out or spoiling.
Q. How long can I keep the food hot ?
A. You can keep most foods hot in a Hostess for 2 hours or
more, depending on the type of food. Some dishes, such as
chilli, curry or casserole taste even better when kept in
a Hostess for up to 4 hours.
Q. How long before I need it do I switch it on ?
A. Turn on your Hostess 20 minutes before you need it.
Q. Should I keep the lid on the dish if I want to keep food
such as roast potatoes crisp ?
A. No, do not cover food if you want it to keep dry and crisp,
as in the case of roast potatoes, crackling on roast pork,
crispy rolls, pastry and the like. Covering hot food produces
condensation which spoils some dishes.